Friday, July 8, 2011

wuuu rindu zaman kanak-kanak

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Bestnya kalau bole jadi kanak-kanak balik. But sayangnya xboleh. Angan2 mat jenin jakla. Sebab-sebabnya yang best adalah seperti berikut:

1. When I was a little child, I never give a damn about money. All I care about are my Gameboy, my comic books, my junk food, my Digimon....and constantly seeking attention from my Mommy..hehe

2. Damn..there wasn't any pimple on my face back then. Once I hit puberty, suddenly my hormone shoots up, there goes my sebaceous gland working like crazy, pimples popped out like there's no tomorrow. Now I tend to seek for various skincare (and not to mention spending vast amount of moolah) and I realize that I am experimenting everything on my face at the time being, Benzoyl Peroxide, Tea tree oil, AHA + BHA, methylparaben etc, you name it. Is my face is some kinda Petri dish or what? pffft

3. Of course and most definitely, I had less things to care about, my family always manage everything for me back then, I had less responsibilities. I can just walk away when I don't feel like doing something, and nobody will blame me because I'm just a kid. Ooh I miss that kinda 'immunity'/ privilege of being a kid sooo much. ehehehe (I think I'm regressing, shoot.)

4. Dulu kalau bangun2 tidur my sis paksa makan, pastu tengahari kena paksa tidur siang (sampai kena kejar keliling rumah dengan rotan lagi kalau xmau tidur). Kini, bangun2 pagi (kalau berjaya bangun pagi lah) dipaksa kemas rumah, jaga kanak-kanak,etc. Kalau terlebih tidur dimarah pulak. It's like they are telling me right on my face : " now there's no point of you getting so much sleep since you've hit the limit of your growth spurt, and you need to do something beneficial in this house, not just sit your lazy ass off.grrrrrr.." Aaaaa but sleeping is such a bliss.*huarghhh* =_=

5. When I told my family that you can prove the Earth is round by observing the way a ship moves (first you'll see the smoke, then the chimney, then you see the whole ship appears gradually), or when I told them 'mentadak' is called Praying Mantis in English, they would be impressed like hell. But nowadays it takes a lot to impress them. Selalu ja cakap ak malas study malas buat kerja but kuat main yadaaa yadaaaaaa.

6. I can release my tantrums and no one can scold me. (Dia kan budak lagi blablablaaaa especially kalau budak yang comel mesti score more.) Buat dajal banyak gila contohnya: kelar kereta jiran, lumur Minyak Cap Kapak di muka kucing jiran (aik napa nampak macam berdendam ja dengan jiran??), berenang dalam tangki air, pecahkan gelas/pinggan tanpa dimarah, conquer remote TV, etc if like I had a special pass to do evil deeds. huahuahuaaa (kalau buat semua benda jahat ni sekarang memang mintak ditendang or disembur dengan Ridsect tanpa kompromi)

7. I don't even give a damn about my physical appearance. What I'm wearing, how my hairstyle is gonna be, which pair of shoes I wanna wear, the need to restock my perfume, the creepily humongous urge to shop unnecessary stuffs that I always try to curb, I can be myself without a worry in the world.

8. Hari ni boleh bergaduh dengan kawan. Besok jadi best friend balek. Kalau dah besar sekarang ni, jangan harapla boleh sesenang itu. Mesti banyak makan hati, makan dalam, back stabbing, dengki, mengumpat and yang sewaktu dengannya. huuuuuu. Maksudnya macam banyakla kena jaga hati sudahla ak ni jenis x alert and hati kering. Pastu senang sakit jiwa and terasa oh it's so damn annoying. =_= but anyways I still love my best friends long time. =)

9. Constantly getting undivided attention from my bro & sis. I still remember my bro used to send me a postcard everywhere he goes while sailing all over the world. My sis sending cards and letter to me when I'm about to sit for any important exams. They never forget my birthday. Their priority will always be their little sis. Damn I'm such an attention seeker (only from my family of course). Macam gejala KKS (kurang kasih sayang) jak. ehehehe snap out of it will ya Mimi.

10. AND THE BEST DAMN THING OF BEING A KID FOR ME WAS.......I got my mother back then. She's all mine, warm, loving, caring and always able to comfort me, cheer me up when I'm down  =') hey I miss you big time oh dear Mrs. Siti Rahmatia.
muka buruk yang rascal.ughhh