Saturday, May 21, 2011

Day 15 (ntah hari ke brapa suda ni haha)- Put your iPod on shuffle: First 10 songs that play (actually bkn's just my beloved Sony MP4 player..hehe)

ehehehe sebab xtau mo tulis apa untuk update benda ni....macam ada sarang labah2 n lumut2 ijau time ak bukak blog ni....terabai begitu sahaja...macam projek hostel ak yg terabai....janji mo siap by 2006....hahahahaa abaikan apa yg ak ckp td...ok2 here it goes.....

1. *~Asterisk~ by Orange Range (Bleach OST)
orange range

2. It's Over by John Legend feat. Kanye West
pic John Legend only..sbb ak geli ngan kanye west..eheheh

3. Viva La Vida by Coldplay
been loving coldplay since 2002. believe it or not..? with the song 'In My Place'

4. Misery by Maroon 5
I've been a die hard fan of Maroon 5 since 'This Love' first debuted...!

5. Zetsubou Billy by Maximum the Hormone (Death Note OST)
Light Yagami..i love L though...expect hard rock tunes from this song...

6. Song For... by Rookiez is Punk'd (Bleach OST)
Bleach OST occupied most of the space in my MP4..hehe

7. Purple Line by TVXQ
my changmin & jaejoong!!!hehehe

8. Bintang Di Syurga by Peterpan
lets forget about Ariel's scandal for a moment..they've made such good songs..!

9. Miss Independent by Ne-Yo
how can I forget my neyo..?hehe

10. I Hope by FT Island
my HongKi is waaay too cute...! his voice is awesome too..!
hee tiba2 berasa malu dengan list2 lagu dlm mp4 sendiri...kalau pasang lagu2 ni dlm kreta mr. panda mesti dia mngamok....sbb taste lagu kami mmg xsama...dia suka lagu2 yg tenang & smooth (bak kata dia lagu2 org matang)...dia migrain kalau dengar lagu ak..xpaham maksud (korea & japan) n music jiwa kacau....bukan main agy condemn citarasa music ak kan...hahaha xpala bagi can sama si kawan...kena mintak permission dulu ni if mau psg lagu2 bgini dlm kreta...huwaaarghhh

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