Haluuuu...! aikkk malar pulak update blog kan? nampak sangat xda kerja. I am supposed to read a few topics on dermatology sebab esok da start new posting. Hmm memandangkan skrg ni siang yang panas and sangat x kondusif (betul ka penggunaan word tu? haha) untuk study, so ak merepek a.k.a syok sendiri la kejap ya. Eh before tu, just wanna say I'm quite happy today because I received a phone call from my bro...lama da dia x call ak...sebelum ak mengamok dengan lebih ekstensif lagi dia explain la before ni dia langsung xdapat coverage sebab atas laut kan. okay alasan diterima. But when he started to talk about his marriage, I'm like 'lalalalaaalaaa'. hahaha kejam betul (still in denial phase..haha). Anyway I miss u so much bro...welcome home!
abang rijal & hafeez |
Okay back to the topic...
.bag. An essential item for a lady. even bawak phone sebijik pun beg bukan main gedabak. sangat jarang mau jumpa perempuan letak phone dalam poket. yala nanti bulging la apala xcantik la.(hehe ni suma alasan ak la ni...xtawla org lain..kalau ak bawak phone & wallet tp xbawak beg mesti poket mr. panda jadi mangsa utk letak barang2 ak. hehe). Jadi, kalau perempuan xda beg time berjalan2 di bandar adalah quite unusual. hmm kalau tiba2 org ada opportunity untuk selongkar beg ak, ni la agak2nya benda yang boleh dijumpai....bermula dari benda2 yang sangat common...
Okay...I really want that Fossil bag....huwaaaa |
My Phone. Duhh who doesn't? (tapi pasni there's no way I will leave my bag unattended. Blame the blogspot question for making me reveal my personal stuffs in this blog hehe)
comelnya yang color baby blue & hijau tu...waaaaa |
2. Wallet. again another common item. Unless kalau mau dibelanja oleh boyfriend setiap hari silalah tinggalkan wallet di rumah....NO! haha not me ok..
cantiknya wallet ni....hehehe |
3. Tissue/ oil-blotter (kepada sesiapa yang xtau ni apa...this is a small blue colored paper, used to wipe off excess oil/sebum on your face). Oleh kerana muka ak super-berminyak, I need this thing all the time...! berasa bangga when I managed to turn the oil blotter into a transparent one (kira dah absorb banyak gila minyak di muka, cukup banyak untuk masak pisang goreng.haha hiperbola betul)
haaa ni dia life-saver.hehehe |
4. My MP4 player. especially when I'm traveling by plane. Ni untuk distract/minimize my phobia naik flight. sebab ak memang susah/almost impossible to sleep on a plane..kalau hari biasa xdala bawak mp4 ni...
hehehe another life-saver. =) |
5. Lip balm/lipstick. I'd look really2 pale without one. Lagipun cracked lips looked sooo unappealing.
love that color.... =) |
6. Pen. Usually I'll end up looking for a pen everywhere, constantly losing it, especially when I urgently need one (time mau isi departure card etc.)
colorful...! dari kecik memang suka alat tulis yg warna-warni |
7. Sweets (usually mint-flavored). hmmm sebab ak suka mengunyah maybe..?hehe
ak bukan mau wat iklan untuk mentos k...tapi memang suka gula2 ni huu |
8. Compact powder. enough said. hehe
mau jugak lancome kan..ehehee |
9. My beloved
minyak kayu putih/eucalyptus oil/cajuput oil. Go google it. hehe I love the soothing scent...especially when I have a headache/nausea. Tapi ada certain orang xsuka bau tu...ehehe apa bole buatla...punya wangi tu camana la org xsuka.....iskk.
heheheh siap ada tanda harga & bear agy...my magic oil!! |
10. Pendrive. xtau napa kadang2 ada pendrive boleh sesat masok beg ak. hehe maybe sebab simpan lagu & mau pasang dalan kereta...tapi bukan selalu pun ada dalam beg....hehe
cantik gila pendrive ni...ntah berapa ribu la harga dia kan..hehehe |
Hmm...I think that's all....tapi in the future kalau lepak ngan geng tawau ak kena bawak
phone charger, toothbrush, facial wash, lense case & solution. sebab kalau lepak dengan drg sangat unpredictable kadang2 end up bermalam di rumah drg.time tula sibuk mau beli toothbrush and all. hehehe
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